Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Couple of Real Bozo's

Last weekend saw the earthly departure of a couple of real bozos. First we’ll talk about Larry Harmon. Although urban legend had Larry as the inventor of Bozo and the first Bozo on TV, he was actually the entrepreneur responsible for franchising Bozo around the world. Needless to say, combined with his ownership rights to the Laurel and Hardy characters, Larry made a bundle. Larry was 83 and it is undetermined if he took any of that bundle with him.

Now for the bigger Bozo, Jesse Helms. Alas Jesse died on July 4th, which will mar that date for eternity but is already being trumpeted by his supporters as his just reward. Known as Senator No for his inability to compromise, he is seen in some circles as the Father of the modern day political polarization. When Jesse lost his audience for his fight against civil rights for blacks, he turned his sites on the gays. Late in his Senate tenure he baffled his critics by supporting massive AIDS funding for Africa. A cry for help no doubt. He was 87.

Nobody had Bozo Harmon. Two people had Bozo Helms, Chris Oakley and Josh Morgan. Josh is no longer a ghoul pool point virgin. Chris has now moved into third place with 3 points, behind Keith Kaplan and George Gallucci.