Tuesday, July 22, 2008

One Golden Girl Down - Three to Go

Today we lost our first Golden Girl - Estelle Getty (born Estelle Gettleman) at the age of 84. A perennial Ghoul Pool favorite due to her frail stature and her type cast as Sophia Petrillo, she will indeed be missed as an easy point. Although this line has been attributed to many an actress, I first heard it attached to Estelle: When asked by a talk show host the most important thing she ever learned about Hollywood, she replied, "Take Fountain!"*

Thirteen of you had her, but since none of you are named Gallucci, Kaplan or Oakley, the top three remain unchanged.

Also within the last two weeks, we lost famous heart surgeon Michael DeBakey and former Bush mouthpiece, Tony Snow. DeBakey was an easy choice for anyone scouring the 100 plus list: Richard McFarlane and Chris Oakley both picked up a point. Nobody had Snow, which is surprising as he was diagnosed with TERMINAL cancer. It pays to pay attention!

*"Take Fountain" relates to a relatively fast moving Los Angeles street (running between Santa Monica and Sunset) that whisks the stars between Hollywood and Beverly Hills.