Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I've been ghoul-pooling for years now, but I can't remember a string of so many passings in such a short period of time. In addition, as a hardened ghoul-pooler, few deaths have taken me back as the sudden deaths of Tim Russert and now, George Carlin. As the prevailing wisdom of our sport tends to favor old people, drug addicts and people we don't necessarily like, these two flew under our collective radar(although I guess Mr. Carlin's stint at Promises should have been a clue.) Since these two outstanding men have been eulogized to death (pardon the pun)in the media, I really have nothing to add, except that it would have been great to have had a beer with them, or at least in George's case, a line.

I also want to mark the loss of Dody Goodman of Grease and Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman fame. She was in her 90's and I doubt she ever did as much cocaine in her life as George Carlin. Amazingly, she was picked by Todd Harl who also had dancer Cyd Charese who died the week before. Todd is now tied for third with about 6 others.

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