Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Dead Kennedy's Now Have 2 New Band Members!

It wasn't like this was unexpected. After battling a well publicized bout with brain cancer, the man who brought you a slew of compassionate human-care legislation, a family legacy and Mary Jo Kopechne, died last night on Cape Cod. He joins his sister Eunice (who passed just two weeks ago) along with brothers Joe, Jack and Robert at the Kennedy Compound for the Deceased.

For more detailed information on Ted Kennedy's splendid, yet complicated life, just turn on anything.

Ted and Eunice's departures have triggered the first die-fectas of Ghoul Pool 2009. Los Angelenos Howard Askenase and Keith Kaplan both selected the elder Kennedys. They pick up a point apiece for each Kennedy as well as a 5 point bonus. Howard now leads the pack with 9 points. Keith has 7 points, followed by Stamfordite Chris Spalding with 4 points.15 people picked Teddy including my DOD. (Dear Old Dad). 3 of you had Eunice.

Howard and Keith shouldn't rest, as 3 contestants have Sargent Shriver (Eunice Kennedy's husband for you youngsters) as a matching die-fecta pick with Ted Kennedy. If we have learned nothing else playing this game, elderly husbands who lose their elderly wives aren't far behind.

Other notable deaths in the past week include music pioneer Les Paul, coming of age movie director John Hughes, 60 Minutes producer Don Hewitt and conservative curmudgeon Robert Novak.