Saturday, July 18, 2009

And That's The Way He Was

When I watch the historic footage of Walter Cronkite announcing the death of President Kennedy, I can't help but flashback to Ted Baxter mistakenly reading the TelePrompTer instructions to "TAKE OFF GLASSES. LOOK CONCERNED." Ted's hero was Walter Cronkite and Ted always wanted to be Walter Cronkite. But he couldn't be. No one could. Like another television icon of the same period, Johnny Carson, their talents were mimicked but never duplicated.

Walter died yesterday in Manhattan at 92 and leaves behind three children, four grandchildren and a journalism legacy.

Scoring points for Walter were Dennis Murphy, Missy McAllister, Richard McFarlane and Todd Harl.

The many passings since the Michael Jackson update (who's allegedly still dead) include Actor Karl Malden, Pitchman Billy Mays, Actress Gale Storm, Impressionist Fred Travelena and former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. Chris Spalding, Dianne Krupp, Stephen Goodfriend and Todd Harl picked up a point for Karl. No one picked McNamara, as former Secretaries of Defense rarely make the grade. Billy Mays, a potential three pointer wasn't chosen either, although pitchmen, like Ed McMahon, are better bets. Gale and Fred were also misses.

There is now a four way tie for first with 3 points each:

Todd Harl
Julie Roberts
Chris Spalding
Michael Strand

5 of you are tied for fifth, but who the hell cares.