Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ghoul Pool 2008 - DEAD

After checking the morning papers and the daily blogs, I saw that no one of importance died during the New Years festivities, so thus I can now officially announce our 2008 winner - Keith Kaplan who won with a piddly 6 points. Close behind was perennial finalist George Gallucci II (George had 2 entries) and Chris Oakley, each with 4 points. They will share a jackpot of approximately $1100! Depression? What depression?

In watching the network 2008 recaps, there wasn't a lack of big names that passed this year - we just missed them. George Carlin, Tim Russert, Bernie Mac and Heath Ledger were missed entirely while Jessie Helms and Paul Newman were severely underrepresented. The biggest hit with 13 was Golden Girl Estelle Getty. I guess that speaks volumes for this contests demographics.

Meaningless Stats:

2007 - 61 hits with 40 entrants
2008 - 50 hits with 47 entrants

So on with this year! Get me your 10 names (8 plus the 2 diefectas) to me by January 31st. As a tip for good picking - use your prior picks - you'll be right eventually. You can even reference the list below of living old people. The sooner the better, because anyone who passes in January (that's on your list) counts. Also, and most importantly, get me your $20 entry fee from 2008 so I can pay off the winners sooner than later. I'm also proposing you prepay the $20 for 2009 up front so we can pay our winners in a more timely manner. So send that $40.00 check to:

David Wood
710 N Orlando Ave. #204
West Hollywood, CA 90069

If it helps, you can even PayPal me at the following account:


The more contestants, the merrier, so tell your friends and enemies. You can even do what George Gallucci does and enter twice! Just send them to www.ghoul-pool.com for all the details.

Happy New Year and Happy Hunting!
