Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Korman, Pollack and Martin

Sounds like a law firm to me. A dead law firm. How about Harvey, Sydney and Dick? Well they're still dead. Alas we lost these Hollywood movie and tv icons this week.

Harvey Korman, star of the Carol Burnette Show and Blazing Saddles ("That's Hedley!") passed just today at 81. Harvey was claimed by myself, Steve O and Gary Tomlin. One Point.

Sydney Pollack, co-star of Tootsie and director of many great films died at 73 on Monday. Chris Oakley had him. 2 Points!

Comedian Dick Martin of Laugh In fame died last weekend at 86. Steve Boggs had him for a single point.

As they all died here in this writer's hometown, Los Angeles is once again the celebrity death capital of the world.

Shameless Plug: I will update the web site ( next week when I return home from the AIDS Lifecycle, a 545 mile bike ride/fundraiser from San Francisco to LA for the cure, prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS. If you haven't already supported me, you can go to End of shameless plug.