Thursday, January 28, 2010

I Didn't Win! Again.

Lest anyone think this contest is fixed, I can pathetically say I have not won (or even come close) for the last 10 years. Yea for me - the perennial good karma award.

I can't say the same for our 2009 winner, Howard Askeanse. Howard scooped up 11 points with Ron Silver, Patrick Swayze and the Kennedy Clan diefecta of Ted and Eunice.

Second place went to 2008 winner Keith Kaplan who had the same picks sans Ron Silver.

Howard and Keith will share in a pot of about $700 (subject to collections).

Chris Spalding and Caryn Goldberg tied for third. Alas there is no money (and rare applause) for third.

Which brings me to 2010. Get me your entries and $20.00 as soon as you can. (8 Regular picks plus the 2 diefecta picks.) Don't pick Pernell Roberts, Jean Simmons or James Mitchell as they have already expired this year.

Checks and Cash can go to:

David Wood
710 n Orlando Ave #204
West Hollywood, CA 90069

or PayPal to

And don't forget to tell a friend.

Friday, December 18, 2009

We're all busy!

It's the holidays and we're all busy, so we'll do this quickly:

Gene Barry - DEAD

Oral Roberts - DEAD

Jennifer Jones - DEAD

Michael Jackson - STILL DEAD

Zsa Zsa Gabor - NOT DEAD

Points - Penny Gray - 1 Point for Oral Roberts

Holiday Gift Idea: Ghoul Pool Subscriptions for all of your LIVING family and friends.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Sorry, I've been asleep or just really, really, bored.

Oh for those days of June when they were dropping like flys. I only accidentally came across Tommy Henrich's death while perusing the sports page for the line on the upcoming Arizona/USC football game. (USC by 7 incidentally). Tommy, until Tuesday, was the longest living Yankee. Not any more. He wouldn't have made the column other than the fact that someone actually had him on their list. Congrats to Donna Campione for her third pick and fourth point.

Belated kudos to Jeff Brandi for having pie thrower extraordinaire, Soupy Sales.

The standings are unchanged with Howard, Keith, Chris and Caryn leading. Without a rash of holiday funerals, these may be our winners for 2009. Which leads me to 2010. Time to pull out those tabloids or tune in to Nick at Night for hints and clues that will lead you down the dark path to victory next year. We start taking entries Jan 1 and conclude Jan 30. Tell your twisted friends. Misery LOVES company.

Monday, September 14, 2009

(Dirty) Dancing In Heaven

As this site has never been politically correct, I am reminded of a joke I heard the other day: "What are Ted Kennedy, Farrah Fawcett and Walter Cronkite getting for Christmas? Patrick Swayze." Yes, I will be going to hell and taking all of you fellow ghoul poolers with me.

Patrick Swayze, 1991's "Sexiest Man Alive," succumbed to pancreatic cancer today. He was 57.

Swayze's death generated a record 24 "hits." Nonetheless, the standings don't change as each of our 4 leaders, Howard Askenase, Keith Kaplan, Chris Spalding and Caryn Goldberg had Patrick on their list.

Other notable deaths since the last update include Hollywood reporter Army Archerd, MASH writer Larry Gelbart and the world's oldest living person, Gertrude Bains. She was 115 and bored out of her mind. If you're making plans for 2010, the new oldest living person is New Hampshire resident Mary Josephine Ray. She is a spry 114.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dominick is Dunne

My multitasking abilities (not to mention your tolerance for yet more junk mail) didn't allow for more than one death notice yesterday, thus I am belatedly announcing the death of star Vanity Fair columnist, Dominick Dunne. Dunne profiled some of the highest profile trials of the 20th century, including the trials of Claus von Bulow, the Menendez brothers and OJ Simpson. His eloquence in being able to call a douchebag a douchebag, while using only the finest words of the English language, was unparalleled. Dunne died of bladder cancer in New York City. He was 83.

Two well read ghoulers had Dunn, Caryn Goldberg and Tommy DeVries. With the point from Dunne, Ms. Goldberg moves up to 3rd place, tied with Chris Spalding.

One oversight yesterday. Perennial ghoul pool contender George Gallucci actually had Robert Novak and picked up 2 points for his trouble.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Dead Kennedy's Now Have 2 New Band Members!

It wasn't like this was unexpected. After battling a well publicized bout with brain cancer, the man who brought you a slew of compassionate human-care legislation, a family legacy and Mary Jo Kopechne, died last night on Cape Cod. He joins his sister Eunice (who passed just two weeks ago) along with brothers Joe, Jack and Robert at the Kennedy Compound for the Deceased.

For more detailed information on Ted Kennedy's splendid, yet complicated life, just turn on anything.

Ted and Eunice's departures have triggered the first die-fectas of Ghoul Pool 2009. Los Angelenos Howard Askenase and Keith Kaplan both selected the elder Kennedys. They pick up a point apiece for each Kennedy as well as a 5 point bonus. Howard now leads the pack with 9 points. Keith has 7 points, followed by Stamfordite Chris Spalding with 4 points.15 people picked Teddy including my DOD. (Dear Old Dad). 3 of you had Eunice.

Howard and Keith shouldn't rest, as 3 contestants have Sargent Shriver (Eunice Kennedy's husband for you youngsters) as a matching die-fecta pick with Ted Kennedy. If we have learned nothing else playing this game, elderly husbands who lose their elderly wives aren't far behind.

Other notable deaths in the past week include music pioneer Les Paul, coming of age movie director John Hughes, 60 Minutes producer Don Hewitt and conservative curmudgeon Robert Novak.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

And That's The Way He Was

When I watch the historic footage of Walter Cronkite announcing the death of President Kennedy, I can't help but flashback to Ted Baxter mistakenly reading the TelePrompTer instructions to "TAKE OFF GLASSES. LOOK CONCERNED." Ted's hero was Walter Cronkite and Ted always wanted to be Walter Cronkite. But he couldn't be. No one could. Like another television icon of the same period, Johnny Carson, their talents were mimicked but never duplicated.

Walter died yesterday in Manhattan at 92 and leaves behind three children, four grandchildren and a journalism legacy.

Scoring points for Walter were Dennis Murphy, Missy McAllister, Richard McFarlane and Todd Harl.

The many passings since the Michael Jackson update (who's allegedly still dead) include Actor Karl Malden, Pitchman Billy Mays, Actress Gale Storm, Impressionist Fred Travelena and former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. Chris Spalding, Dianne Krupp, Stephen Goodfriend and Todd Harl picked up a point for Karl. No one picked McNamara, as former Secretaries of Defense rarely make the grade. Billy Mays, a potential three pointer wasn't chosen either, although pitchmen, like Ed McMahon, are better bets. Gale and Fred were also misses.

There is now a four way tie for first with 3 points each:

Todd Harl
Julie Roberts
Chris Spalding
Michael Strand

5 of you are tied for fifth, but who the hell cares.